Monday, August 24, 2009

Sat. a.m. ride

Thanks for the Satruday ride fellas.. Was fun. Had some new faces out there, which is always nice to see..
Hoppe is still fast as ever, even when his "legs feel dead".. Whatever man!

The HIGHLIGHT of the day was of course, Randy (aka hippy) doing a 5 second endo over his handlebars into the creek bed!!!

So, picture this, a 275 pound man balancing on the front of this 29er wheel for a second or two trying to figure out if he is going...
  1. Over the handlebars
  2. Over to the side
  3. Maintaining his balance and coming back down with his rear wheel..

Well the creekbed had a choke hold on his front tire so it was not going anywhere and over the bars he went. Funniest thing I have seen in a looooooong time!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

More pics from Sat, RIM

The St. Joe RIM crew..

I think you will reconginze the three knuckelheads on the left. DCrook, CHoppey, RTracy (hippy).

JP and company on the right. Crook got them on the last lap in the middle of a crazy downpour.
Your laptimes were crazy good and consisitent.

Me on the right, pretty pumped, its my first potium EVER.... I did pass the number 4 guy in the last 30 yards to get it. I think he was changing out his water bottle or some s#!t. Owe well, he passed me while I was putting air in my front tire. Should have been paying attention...
I don't care, I am taking it!!!! Thought I heard Chariots of fire?????? ;)

Crook and I for the start.. Kinda glad I did some trial running this past month.

Pic of Hoppey. I am sure going like a bat out of hell..

Crook on a log crossing.

Me, same crossing, somehow don't look as graceful... Anyway...
I think this is Crook, but not sure...
Thats all I could find on heartlands website. Hippy, I can't believe I could not find one damn picture of you out there...
For race results, pics, etc...........
These guys at heartland put on the best races hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pics from Crowder last Saturday

double mohawk for Jason
Craig is ready to rock while Dave is just bein pretty

Dave in the mandetory walk zone

Jason and Dave doin the run at the Lemans start

Just feelin the pre-race pressure Randy/Jason/Craig/Dave

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Krug... Getting Buff!

Just a few pics of Krug from this morning along with one of the guilty ones responsible for the
for getting the trails to this point. Randy and David have been de-nubbing and raking trash in several of the trails near the parking area. I got started on a little bench cutting and blowing off what had been weedeated. All of the trails above the waterfall along with the bridges trail have been blown so far. Hoping to get the entire trail blown this week which will really cut down on the flat tires. After weedeating and blowing things are really starting to look buff.