Thursday, March 27, 2008

trim blow ride

Get your mind out of the gutter I'm talking about trail work. We finished prep on the top of the north GS trail. All that is left is to ride it down and some clean up here and there. The missionaries from my church are out working on the trail now a little extra help never hurts. Randy is making headway on rough cutting and one more time and he will will be finished with the loop. Then we will need to trim and blow the rest of it down the hill. We are to the grave yard on the east side, if anyone wants to break out the trimer. The top of the North side is getting beat in nice, keep riding.


JDOUG said...

Ride this eve? Anyone?

Doc A said...

You better get your rides in now. Insane decision by city council last night to shut down most of the off road trails (with exception of Krug) in the city. April 15th I think is the effective date. Sorry.

JDOUG said...

Doc, that was not funny at all!!!
I took that s**t hook line and sinker...

Doc A said...

Sorry, I had to.