Friday, February 5, 2010

Spring training....

You go playin on the pavement out in the North End, behind Krug, you see this sign.. The fun is about to begin!!!
Trainers suck! Can't do um, don't like um, don't plan on using them any time soon...>
Apparetnly I have a very short attention span and I cuss at the trainer every time I even look at it. I will only use it when there are no other options, and being cold outside is sure as hell not going to get me on it..
So say it with me, F**K TRAINERS!!!

Here is THE hill that is going to single handedly get me (And whoever else wants) in fine form... Ugh, hopfeully.... Randy is the only other soul that has been getting out here consistantly... That I konw of anyway....
Now the pictures do not give the hill any justice but its going to hurt you.. Its not very long, pob just under 1/4 mile long...But this is the Queen B, the pain maker, whatever you decide to name it.. Got to ride it before you name it though..
Now when you approach it, it is not very intemidating looking, part of its charming chaircter.
Now you begin the climb... And you start to notice that while its starting to turn to the left, you think to yourself "Dude, this is a steep little f**k*r". border=0>Now you hit a sraight but the first short steep little climb has got your heart racing and legs burning and you have only STARTED the climb. You look up and say hooooly S**t this is going to suck so much ass!Once you make it to the next turn, your heart rate is through the roof, the lactic acid is substantially builging in your legs and the hill starts to get in your head.. This is about the point where you want to quit.. No, serously, you want to quit...Since you just made a deal with yourself that you just need to make it to the next mailbox in order to keep going. You hit the corner and the grade goes up again, your heartrate is maxed, evey ounce of you wants to quit climbing to make the pain stop...
You hit the top of the corner and boom, your still not done, your not close to being done..
The grade goes down slightly, but its still steep and you still have 60 yards to go...
The sight of this picture here, is actully a little demoralizing.. Every ounce of your being is hurting, but this is where the real stuff starts... Its time to dig deep, quit being a sissy boy and HTFU..

So you have made it, you did not quit (that is never a real option anyway) you can't catch your breath, your heart is maxed out!! That sucked!!! Time to do another loop....See you again soon.


Anonymous said...

WOW! It sounds like you are really into "self abuse".

JDOUG said...

Its not like that...

JDOUG said...

And then, you get a text from Hoppe telling you that he did 10 repeats up this same hill... SOB!! That man is...

choppe said...

Your right dude... not long but definatley one of the best climbs in town... Have to dig deep and embrace the pain... You get to that last corner and you tell yourself this little bastard won't get the best of me!

JDOUG said...

BTW, the edit/spellcheck is not working on this. In case your wondering if my IQ is higher than 85...

Anonymous said...

Dude, we've seen you in action and it never even occurred to us that your IQ might hit 85. Remember that you'll always be 'speshul' to us. We love you anyway.

Prozenberger said...

I used to ride on that hill back in the day. It was actually part of a hill loop that I had up in north end, that had roughly 18 climbs per lap. There used to be a dog at the top of that hill that seemed pretty mean and would try to chase you. An extra incentive to get on the he still there?